The home, dubbed "The Canyon House," serves as a year-round hideaway for its owners. A modest rectangular box is installed in a moment resistant wood frame after following a finger ridge 300 feet above the Clearwater River Canyon.
The three floors of this Santiago-based firm Hsü Rudolphy's house drop down a sloping site to Rapel Lake, offering several terraces and access to the lake.
Located on the hills of São Paulo, Brazil, it became evident that a design that avoids negative affects while expanding good qualities was required. It is critical in this terrain to prevent both sound and sight pollution.
The 120 m² art gallery is nearly totally suspended from the ground, with just four tiny footings touching it. It is supported by a bright-orange framework visible from the exterior, similar to many of the landmark structures created by the high-tech architecture pioneer.
This Cape Town getaway has four cylinder towers set on stilts to provide views among the woods. The goal was to maximize views from the highest portion of the sloping site by responding to the height of the large trees around the clearing.
Stepping Stone House perches above its aquatic environment with the lightness of an origami building, capturing the immersive aspects of the surroundings: trees, ferns, lake, lawns, fountains, and the varying patterns of sunshine and shadow as they dance across the water and its interiors.